South America
East Asia
Europe: Flaine
Personal & Links


On this site you'll find pictures that I took during journeys to the unknown. Each picture is accompanied with a short travel report. 

Furthermore you are welcomed to download the pictures and use them as a wallpaper (size is 1024 * 768 pixels). Any other or commercial use is forbidden, unless permission has been obtained (see below).

Click on any picture for a full-screen wallpaper!


Peru (South America)

New !

Bolivia (South America)

Ecuador (South America)


India tour Nepal tour


USA tour


Flaine winter sports




Fiji and New Zealand

Which has been marvelous by the way.
Pictures will be there soon, hopefully!


Bolivia and Peru.

A lot of culture and a very relaxed atmosphere.    New !
Jungle, mountains, sea, people.
bulletIndia and Nepal.
Adventure, hiking, enjoying.
bulletUnited States.
From desert to coast.
Winter sports.
bulletPersonal notes.
Favorite travel links and Curriculum vitae.


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Good luck and I hope you'll enjoy these pages!

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How to install a wallpaper:

Right mouseclick on any image, then you'll see a menu with some options.
Click "save the image as" a file on your harddisk (in JPG-format).
choose the "set as a wallpaper" option.

Only right-click on large images, for a good quality!


Some people let me know they think the pictures are too dark. This may be true for some of them, but most of the pictures have a full scale tone. That is why you have to adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor to show this full scale, particularly for the dark areas.


The grayscale above must show all the eleven shades from black to white in a distinguished way. Further more this web site is best viewed in a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels and with 65536 (16 bit) colors or more.


These pages and all images contained within them are © D.W. Niestadt all rights reserved. To avoid copyright infringement, permission must be obtained before any use.

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